European Seismological Commission
Meeting of the ESC Council
Thursday, August 27, 1998, 17:00-19:30
Present: Titular Members and Executive Committee
The ESC President welcomes all the participants.
1. Presence of a quorum
P Suhadolc ascertains the presence of the quorum. 36 out of 52 are present.
2. Appointment of the Election Chairman and tellers
C Froidevaux is proposed as Election Chairman, W Lenhardt and R Sleeman as tellers. The proposal is approved.
3. ESC General Assembly in 2000
P Suhadolc informs the Council that one invitation has been received by the ESC Bureau for the organisation of the XXVII General Assembly in the year 2000, from the Institute of Geophysics of the University of Lisbon (Portugal).No other candidates are proposed from the floor. There being no objections to a public vote, the nomination was carried unanimously by a show of hands; 36 votes in favour, none against and no abstentions.
In response to a request from C Froidevaux, Luis Mendes Victor says a few words of introduction to the organisation of the Lisbon Assembly.
The 2000 ESC General Assembly will be, therefore, organised by the Institute of Geophysics of the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Contact person: Luis Mendes Victor.
4. Elections
The Nominating Committee presents the candidates in sequential order.
Results of the elections:
President: L Mendes Victor is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands. L Mendez Victor is elected (votes: 35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.)
Vice-Presidents: For the first of the two Vice-presidents A Shapira is presented. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands. A Shapira is reelected (35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.)
For the second of the two Vice-presidents D Giardini is presented. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands. D Giardini is elected (35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.)
Secretary General: P Suhadolc is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands. P Suhadolc is elected by show of hands (35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.)
Assistant Secretary: A B Walker is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands. A B Walker is elected by show of hands (35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.)
L Mendes Victor accepted the Presidency noting his vision that satellite scientists would be brought into collaboration with seismologists and that the issue of hazard and vulnerability would be addressed.
P Suhadolc thanked L Mendes Victor for his contribution and gave warm words of thanks to G Sobolev for his past four years of presidency and R Stefansson for his vice presidency and for organising the successful Reykjavik Assembly.
G Sobolev congratulated the new president and vice presidents on their election and underlined the quality of these scientists in whose hands the ESC was now placed.
SC-A: K B Makropoulos is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands (35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.) K B Makropoulos is elected.
SC-B: L Vinnik is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands (35 yes, 0 no, 0 abs.). L Vinnik is elected.
SC-C: C-I Trifu is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands (36 yes, 0 no, 0 abs.). C-I Trifu is elected.
SC-D: J Mechie is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands (36 yes, 0 no, 0 abs.). J Mechie is elected.
SC-E: J Zschau is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands (35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.). J Zschau is elected.
SC-F: D Slejko is presented as candidate. No further candidates are raised from the floor. Election is carried out by show of hands (35 yes, 0 no, 1 abs.). D Slejko is elected.
P Suhadolc asked the subcommission chairpersons to deliver a short summary of their activities and report any changes in the sub-commission.
For SC-A, K Makropoulos reported that M Stucchi will replace R Gutdeutsch as the chairman of the working group on "Historical Earthquake Data" and that another working group has been created called "Important Historical Earthquakes" with C Hammerl as chairman.
In response to a question from D Giardini, K Makropoulos outlined the aims of the new working group on "Important Historical Earthquakes" led by C Hammerl; that is, those which had an impact across borders and which warranted a very detailed study. In response to a query by D Slejko, he also outlined the scope of the other working group led by M Stucchi. The two scopes are seen to be complementary by SC-A members. L Mendes Victor recommended that the new working group should find an alternative title, not using the word "important", to avoid confusion. D Giardini argued that splitting working groups in this way was not desirable. P Suhadolc noted that the issues of working groups are the responsibility of the sub-commissions and should be discussed outside this meeting. After a brief discussion the Council recommended that the two working groups are to become sections of a common working group under the name "Historical Seismology" which will have M Stucchi and C Hammerl as responsibles.
For SC-B, H Aichele reported that B Dost has replaced B Feignier as chairman of the working group on "Data Centres and Data Exchange".
For SC-C, H Dufumier reported that C-I Trifu is the new chairperson of the subcommission, Anne Deschamps is Vice Chairperson and H Dufumier is secretary.
For SC-D, C Lund reported a change in the name of the subcommission from "Deep Seismic Sounding" to "Crust and Upper Mantle Structure" and that only one working group "Surface wave and tomographic studies of lithospheric structure" was continuing within the subcommssion. Within this working group the following topics would be researched: "Surface wave tomography", Responsible: T. Yanovskaya, Russia; "P-wave travel time tomography", Responsible: E. Kissling, Switzerland; "Refraction/wide angle reflection", Responsible: M Grad, Poland; "Deep near vertical reflection", Responsible: C Juhlin, Sweden; "Receiver function", Responsible: G Bock, Germany; and "Seismicity", Responsible: S Gregerson, Denmark.
For SC-E, J Zschau reported the following changes: a new working group on "Field observations", (Responsible:A V Ponomarev, Russia and M Westerhaus, Germany) replaces the working groups on "Precursors" and "Field observations and Techniques". A new working group on "Non-linear structures and processes", (Responsibles: V Smirnov, Russia and C Godano, Italy), has been created.
For SC-F, D Slejko reported that the working group on "Macroseismic Scales" is no longer operating, having fulfilled all its tasks.
5. Titular Members
The Bureau then proposes the confirmation of Titular Members appointed by their respective countries. P Suhadolc reports that he has not received the official letters of appointment for the Titular members of Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and the UK. P Suhadolc points out to the Council the newly appointed Titular members: M Herak (Croatia), J Havskov (Norway), G Shamir (Israel), D Giardini (Switzerland). The Bureau proposes to the Council that Th Camelbeeck is appointed Titular member for Belgium, A Deschamps for France, J Drakopoulos for Greece, T Zsiros for Hungary, J Trampert for Luxembourg, J Lapajne for Slovenia, F Vidal for Spain, M Allouche for Tunisia, R Yilmaz for Turkey and I Stimpson for the UK, pending their approval by their respective National Committees for IUGG. The Council approves the proposal (votes: 32 yes 0 no and 0 abs.). P Suhadolc also urged titular members to inform him of any changes in e-mail or address so that they can be posted on the home page.
The List of Titular Members for the Administrative period 1998-2000 is therefore:
Country Titular member Confirmed
Algeria M Benhallou 06.08.96
Austria W Lenhardt 31.07.96
Belgium Th Camelbeeck 14.09.94*
Bulgaria D Jordanov 13.06.96
Croatia M Herak 05.06.98
Czech rep. J Sileny 02.09.96
Denmark E Hjortenberg 19.08.96
Egypt M Dessokey 16.07.96
Finland P Heikkinen 13.08.96
France A Deschamps 09.02.94*
Germany F Scherbaum 12.09.96
Greece J Drakopoulos 12.09.94*
Hungary T Zsiros 16.09.94*
Iceland R Stefansson 23.07.96
Ireland A W B Jacob 12.08.96
Israel G Shamir 25.08.96
Italy C Eva 26.07.96
Jordan Z El-Isa 12.09.96
Lebanon C Tabet 07.08.96
Luxembourg J Trampert 27.08.98*
Macedonia FYRO V Mihailov 04.09.96
Monaco P Mondielli 12.09.96
Morocco D Ben Sari 16.08.96
Netherlands R Sleeman 12.09.96
Norway J Havskov 31.07.98
Poland S Gibowicz 30.08.96
Portugal L Mendes Victor 10.07.96
Romania D Enescu 18.08.96
Russia Y Tyupkin 13.08.96
Slovakia P Moczo 07.08.98
Slovenia J Lapajne 02.03.94*
Spain J Vidal 25.08.98*
Sweden O Kulhanek 15.08.96
Switzerland D Giardini 21.06.98
Tunisia M Allouche 08.09.94*
Turkey R Yilmaz 28.01.94*
UK I Stimpson 08.04.94*
Observer status
Albania B Muco 27.08.98*
Malta P Galea 31.07.98
6. Resolutions
Each resolution is presented by J Sileny, President of the Resolutions Committee. With minor amendments the following resolutions have been adopted.
ESC Meetings
the need to improve the scheduling of ESC meetings, and to increase the possibility of giving more time to individual speakers
the ESC recommends
that conveners should consider limiting speakers to two oral presentations within the same symposium/workshop, and should encourage greater use of poster presentations.
Dissemination of data
the need to facilitate seismological research by the free dissemination of data, and to promote co-operation in research within the ESC and between the ESC and related scientific communities, and noting the benefits already obtained from some datasets that have been made freely available online,
the ESC recommends
that in future all seismological datasets (strong motion databases, earthquake catalogues, etc) that are compiled under the auspices of projects connected to ESC Working Groups should be made available to the international scientific community for scientific research purposes, with the proviso that users are obliged to acknowledge the source of the data and that, in some circumstances, restrictions on the use of the data may be applied by the donor.
Earthquake prediction
that so far the predictability of large earthquakes has neither been proved nor disproved, and
the wide interest in this important seismological field of investigation,
the ESC recommends
that earthquake prediction research should be continued in order to establish the circumstances under which earthquakes can be predictable, as well as the degree to which prediction might be achievable, and
the ESC encourages
scientists in the field of earthquake prediction research:
to continue field observations and laboratory studies, as well as mathematical and physical modelling, and
to continue and improve work on the scientific application and testing of proposed earthquake prediction methods in real time.
the excellent work done by the Local Organising Committee in arranging the XXVI General Assembly of the ESC in Tel Aviv, the first such General Assembly to be held in a Near Eastern country, and noting the successful sessions and very enjoyable social programme, the ESC Council
Thanks and congratulates
the LOC for all their efforts, which have resulted in such a successful conference.
8. Discussion
D Giardini expressed his dissatisfaction at the absence of three sub-commission chairpersons. P Suhadolc explained that this was the first time that an ESC General Assembly had been held in August rather than in September. As a result, two chairpersons were involved in field work; the other could not find the funds to attend.
D Giardini carried a message from D Mayer-Rosa expressing his apologies for not being able to attend. P Suhadolc noted that he would be sending a postcard with the best wishes of those attending the Assembly.
In response to a procedural question raised by L Mendes Victor in connection with the Council of Europe, P Suhadolc noted that the ESC secretary general is required to nominate a list of names to the Open Partial agreement which is approved by the Council of Ministers. They can adjust the list. It is required that each 3 years, 50% of that list be rotated.
G Sobolev closed the meeting with his thanks to all delegates.
Alice Walker
Assistant Secretary