European Seismological Commission
How the European Seismological Commission was started
Seismology has a long tradition in Europe. At the end of the 1800s, the first seismographs were installed and systematic research started to be carried out in various places and institutions. The foundation of the International Seismological Association (IAS) in 1904 demonstrated that international collaboration in seismology was already given high priority in Europe. In 1949 some European scientists, lead by Miss I. Lehmann, Denmark; C. Charlier, Belgium; J.-P. Rothe, France and W. Vissier, Holland, prepared a project which later merged to the formal creation of the ESC in 1952.
The first constituent meeting was convened in Verona (Italy) in 1950.
Representatives from Denmark (I. Lehmann), France (G. Grenet, E. Peterschmitt, J.-P. Rothe), Germany (E. Hardtwig, H. Menzel, L. Mintrop, G.Schultze, Italy (G. Aliverti, P. Caloi, A. Giorgi, G. Imbo, G. Medi, C. Morelli, M. De Panfilis, G. Pannochia, L. Valle, F. Peronaci), Spain (J. Bonelli, Gomez), Switzerland (E. Guyot, Mercier), UK (Baxter, R. Stonely, P. Willmore) created the Federation of European Seismologists.
At the 9th IUGG General Assembly in Brussels in 1951, the International Seismological Association (now IASPEI) created the ESC.
The first regular meeting of the ESC was organised in 1952 by W. Hiller in Stuttgart under the title "Seismic Structure of the European Continent". Thirteen European countries were represented at this general assembly of the ESC. The first resolutions of the ESC were adopted at this meeting and these included;
The above resolutions are today being re-enforced within the ESC.
President: W. Hiller (Germany)
Vice-Presidents: -
Secretary-General: P. Caloi (Italy)
President: W. Hiller (Germany)
Vice-Presidents: -
Secretary-General: P. Caloi (Italy)
President: W. Hiller (Germany)
Vice-Presidents: -
Secretary-General: P. Caloi (Italy)
President: P. Caloi (Italy)
Vice-President: W. Hiller (Germany)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
President: P. Caloi (Italy)
Vice-Presidents: J. Bonelli (Italy), E. Savarensky (USSR)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
President: J. Bonelli (Italy)
Vice-Presidents: E. Savarensky (USSR), A. Zatopek (CSSR)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
President: J. Bonelli (Spain)
Vice-Presidents: E. Savarensky (USSR), A. Zatopek (CSSR)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
President: A. Zatopek (CSSR)
Vice-Presidents: E. Savarensky (USSR), E. Vesanen (Finland)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
President: A. Zatopek (CSSR)
Vice-Presidents: E. Savarensky (USSR), E. Vesanen (Finland)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
Secretary: J.M. van Gils (Belgium)
President: M.H. Jensen (Denmark)
Vice-Presidents: E. Savarensky (USSR), W. Sponheuer (GDR)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
Secretary: J.M. van Gils (Belgium)
President: M.H. Jensen (Denmark)
Vice-Presidents: W. Sponheuer (DDR), E. Savarensky (USSR)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
Secretary: J.M. van Gils (Belgium)
President: E. Savarensky (USSR)
Vice-Presidents: St. Mueller (Switzerland), R. Teisseyre (Poland)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
Secretary: J.M. van Gils (Belgium)
President: St. Mueller (Switzerland)
Vice-Presidents: R. Teisseyre (Poland), L. Constantinescu (Romania)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
Secretary: J-M. van Gils (Belgium)
President: St. Mueller (Switzerland)
Vice-Presidents: R. Teisseyre (Poland), L. Constantinescu (Romania)
Secretary-General: E. Peterschmitt (France)
Secretary: J.M. van Gils (Belgium)
President: R. Teisseyre (Poland)
Vice-Presidents: N. Kondorskaya (USSR), H. Korhonen (Finland)
Secretary-General: J-M. van Gils (Belgium)
Secretary: L. Waniek (CSSR)
President: A.R. Ritsema (Netherlands)
Vice-Presidents: N. Kondorskaya (USSR), E. Bistricsany (Hungary)
Secretary-General: J-M. van Gils (Belgium)
Secretary: L. Waniek
President: A.R. Ritsema (The Netherlands)
Vice-Presidents: N.V. Kondorskaya (USSR), E. Bisztricsany (Hungary)
Secretary-General: J-M. van Gils (Belgium)
Secretary: L.Waniek (Czechoslovakia)
President: H. Stiller (GDR)
Vice-Presidents: E. Bisztricsany (Hungary), A. Udias (Spain)
Secretary-General: J.M. van Gils (Belgium)
Secretary: L. Waniek (Czechoslovakia)
President: H. Stiller (GDR)
Vice-Presidents: A. Udias (Spain), I. L. Nersesov (USSR)
Secretary-General: J.M. van Gils (Belgium)
Secretary: D. Mayer-Rosa (Switzerland)
President: C. Morelli (Italy)
Vice-Presidents: I.L. Nersesov (USSR), P. Burton (UK)
Secretary-General: D. Mayer-Rosa (Switzerland)
Secretary: L. Christoskov (Bulgaria)
President: C. Morelli (Italy)
Vice-Presidents: P. Burton (UK), L. Christoskov (Bulgaria)
Secretary-General: D. Mayer-Rosa (Switzerland)
Secretary: A. Roca (Spain)
President: L. Waniek (Czechoslovakia)
Vice-Presidents: G. Sobolev (Russian Fed.), G. Nolet (The Netherlands)
Secretary-General: D. Mayer-Rosa (Switzerland)
Secretary: -
President: L.Waniek (Czechoslovakia)
Vice-Presidents: G. Sobolev (Russian Fed.), J. Drakopoulos (Greece)
Secretary-General: P. Suhadolc (Italy)
Assistant Secretary: D. Mayer-Rosa (Switzerland)
President: G. Sobolev (Russian Fed.)
Vice-Presidents: J. Drakopoulos (Greece), R. Stefansson (Iceland)
Secretary-General: P. Suhadolc (Italy)
Assistant Secretary: A.B. Walker (UK)
President: G.A. Sobolev (Russian Fed.)
Vice-Presidents: R. Stefansson (Iceland), A. Shapira (Israel)
Secretary-General: P. Suhadolc (Italy)
Assistant Secretary: A.B. Walker (UK)
President: L. Mendes Viktor (Portugal)
Vice-Presidents: A. Shapira (Israel), D. Giardini (Switzerland)
Secretary-General: P. Suhadolc (Italy)
Assistant Secretary: A.B. Walker (UK)
President: L. Mendes Victor (Portugal)
Vice-Presidents: C. Eva (Italy), D. Giardini (Switzerland)
Secretary-General: P. Suhadolc (Italy)
Assistant Secretary: A.B. Walker (UK)
President: C. Eva (Italy)
Vice-President: J. Zschau (Germany)
Secretary-General: M. Garcia Fernandez (Spain)
Assistant Secretary: A.B. Walker (UK)
President: C. Eva (Italy)
Vice-Presidents: J. Zscau (Germany), J. Zahradnik (Czech Republic)
Secretary-General: M. Garcia Fernandez (Spain)
Assistant Secretary: D. Faeh (Switzerland)
President: D. Giardini (Switzerland)
Vice-President: G. Papadopoulos (Greece)
Secretary-General: M. Garcia Fernandez (Spain)
Assistant Secretary: I. Cecic (Slovenia)
President: J. Zschau (Germany)
Vice-President: M. Cara (France)
Secretary-General: M. Garcia Fernandez (Spain)
Assistant Secretary: I. Cecic (Slovenia)
President: S.S. Jakobsdóttir (Iceland)
Vice-President: A. Zavyalov (Russia)
Secretary-General: M. Garcia Fernandez (Spain)
Assistant Secretary: I. Cecic (Slovenia)
President: A. Zavyalov (Russia)
Vice-President: M. Nurlu (Turkey)
Secretary-General: M. Garcia Fernandez (Spain)
Assistant Secretary: S. Parolai (Germany)
President: W. Lenhardt (Austria)
Vice-President: M. Mucciarelli (Italy)
Secretary-General: S. Parolai (Germany)
Assistant Secretary: P. Mäntyniemi (Finland)
President: I. Cecic (Slovenia)
Vice-President: S. D'Amico (Malta)
Secretary-General: S. Parolai (Germany, Italy)
Assistant Secretary: P. Mäntyniemi (Finland)
President: M.J. Jiménez (Spain)
Vice-President: N. Voulgaris (Greece)
Secretary-General: S. Parolai (Italy)
Assistant Secretary: P. Mäntyniemi (Finland)
President: M.J. Jiménez (Spain)
Vice-President: C. Ionescu (Romania)
Secretary-General: S. Parolai (Italy)
Assistant Secretary: P. Mäntyniemi (Finland)
President: Dmitry A. Storchak (UK)
Vice-President: N. Voulgaris (Greece)
Secretary-General: Adrien Oth (Luxembourg)
Assistant Secretary: O.-J. Ktenidou (Greece)
President: Florian Haslinger (Switzerland)
Vice-President: Aysegul Askan (Türkiye)
Secretary-General: Adrien Oth (Luxembourg)
Assistant Secretary: O.-J. Ktenidou (Greece)
General Assemblies:
I 1952 Stuttgart
II 1954 Rome
III 1956 Vienna
IV 1958 Utrecht
V 1959 Alicante
VI 1960 Helsinki
VII 1962 Jena
VIII 1964 Budapest
IX 1966 Copenhagen
X 1968 Leningrad
XI 1969 Madrid
XII 1970 Luxembourg
XIII 1972 Brasov
XIV 1974 Trieste
XV 1976 Cracow
XVI 1978 Strasbourg
XVII 1980 Budapest
XVIII 1982 Leeds
XIX 1984 Moscow
XX 1986 Kiel
XXI 1988 Sofia
XXII 1990 Barcelona
XXIII 1992 Prague
XXIV 1994 Athens
XXV 1996 Reykjavík
XXVI 1998 Tel Aviv
XXVII 2000 Lisbon
XXVIII 2002 Genova
XXIX 2004 Potsdam
XXX 2006 Geneva
XXXI 2008 Hersonissos
XXXII 2010 Montpelier
XXXIII 2012 Moscow
XXXIV 2014 Istanbul
XXXV 2016 Trieste
XXXVI 2018 Valletta
XXXVII 2021 Corfu (virtual)
XXXVIII 2022 Bucharest
XXXIX 2024 Corfu
Materials related to some of the General Assemblies can be found here.