European Seismological Commission
Considering the importance of the theoretical basis for the empirical methods in use in determining site response as part of assessing seismic hazard of urban and other areas, the ESC recommends to further develop the underlying theories.
Considering the importance to preserve European historical seismograms and seismological documents, the ESC recommends all European seismological institutions and the European Union to make every effort to save these original and unique materials.
The practical importance of the Seismogeographical Regionalisation initiated at the Athens ESC general assembly in 1994 which has not yet been completed, the ESC urges member countries to complete their third level regionalisation in order that this work can be published and become a standard.
Recognizing that significant progress was made in the field of macroseismology in the 1990s, particularly the EMS-98 scale, and that despite this progress, a complete and comprehensive textbook on this subject is not available, the ESC recommends that an inclusive monograph on all aspects of macroseismology be compiled, and encourages the Working Groups involved in Macroseismology to prepare this monograph.
Recognizing the importance of earthquake risk assessment and mitigation in both developed and developing countries. Considering the invitation to ESC, by GeoHazards International and the Seismological Society of America, to participate in a meeting in April 2005 in Reno, Nevada, USA, to discuss the possible creation of an international earthquake safety advocacy federation, in order to raise awareness and reduce impacts of earthquakes worldwide the ESC Recommends that initiatives to advocate seismic safety be supported by all practical means; that the Council accepts the above invitation and mandates the Bureau to nominate a representative to attend the Reno meeting on behalf of ESC.
Acknowledging the hard work and warm welcome of the Local Organising Committee in arranging the XXIX General Assembly of the ESC in Potsdam, and noting the success of the sessions, and fruitful outcomes of many meetings and debates, the ESC Council thanks the LOC for all their efforts and expertise in organising such a successful occasion in all respects, the lecturers for conducting a most successful YSTC which received a record number of applicants (97).